Using Webster's 1828 Dictionary in 2 Volumes.
Psalm 100:2
Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing.
SERVE, verb transitive. serv.
[French servir; Italian servire; Spanish servir; from Latin servio. ...]
15. In Scripture and theology, to obey and worship; to act in conformity to the law of a superior, and treat him with due reverence.
GLAD'NESS, noun.
[See Glad.]
Joy, or a moderate degree of joy and exhilaration; pleasure of mind; cheerfulness.
COME, verb intransitive.
[Saxon cuman, or cwiman; ...]
2. To draw nigh; to approach; to arrive; to be present.
BEFO'RE, preposition.
[be and fore, that is by fore, near the fore part. Saxon before, or beforan, retained by Chaucer in beforn.]
2. In the presence of, with the idea of power, authority, respect.
PRES'ENCE, noun.
[French from Latin proesentia; proe, before, and esse, to be.]
1. The existence of a person or thing in a certain place; opposed to absence. This event happened during the king's presence at the theater. In examining the patient, the presence of fever was not observed. The presence of God is not limited to any place.
SING'ING, noun.
The act of uttering sounds with musical inflections; musical articulation; the utterance of musical notes.
Psalm 100:2
Obey and worship the Lord with joy or cheerfulness: draw nigh the presence of his existence in a certain place with the act of uttering sounds with musical inflections.
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