The Song: Am I a Soldier of the Cross? by Isaac Watts
The Memory Verse Box:
2nd Grade:
Sunday School verse - Hebrews 13:17;
Bible verse - Proverbs 1:7
Sunday School verse: Ephesians 6:7
Bible verse: Genesis 1:1
Next, we went over the Notebook Standard of Form (NSF), this is the way that we are setting up our Bible notebook and how they are to take care of their notebook. We will cover this for each new subject, because most of the subject's notebooks are set up slightly differently, with different tabs, etc.
We discussed the purpose of the notebook; this is why we are keeping a notebook and the notebook grading sheet.
We also went over the Bible overview for the year. Then we created the Bible cover page. This page has a title, picture - either to draw and color or to color, 2nd Grader had a Scripture verse, and at the bottom was the student's name and grade.

Next, we discussed the memory verse for this week and I defined any unfamiliar vocabulary in the verse.
Then I explained the Leading Idea & Biblical Principle and defined any unfamiliar vocabulary in them.

To finish off the week the Kindergartener was shown how the Bible has two divisions, the Old Testament and the New Testament, and the 2nd Grader was shown how the Bible has different types of books within the two divisions, the Old Testament - Law, History, Poetry, Major Prophets, & Minor Prophets, and the New Testament - Gospels, History, Paul's Letters, a Letter to the Jewish Christians, Letters to the Entire Church, & Prophecy.

One thing that I have decided after finishing this week is that I do not think that I will be making more notebook pages than are suggested in the lesson plan, so expect to just see one or two pages each week for each child in the coming weeks.
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